Mosquito Control Programs
We do understand that the mosquito population can be quite bothersome during specific times of the year. Mosquitos problems tend to be greater around the undeveloped areas like along Sand Creek, Bluff Lake and the north part of the community. The MCA plays an active role in mosquito control, but is not the only entity that has mitigation responsibilities. We will continue to work with the community, the board, and our partners to manage the issue to the best of our ability. A developing community the size of ours, with the quantity of parks, open space and native areas will most likely always be confronted with mosquitos throughout the breeding season. We will as a community dedicate the resources and continue to work with other responsible partners in our mitigation efforts focusing on strategies that are proven effective. Mosquito Control
Like everything in the community, responsibility for controlling mosquito breeding depends on where the source of the problem is arising from. If it is not on MCA controlled property or within its jurisdiction, then we have limited ability to deploy community resources. Although the MCA actively works to control mosquito populations, it is also unrealistic to expect that there will be no mosquitos throughout the community with 1200 acres of development dedicated to parks and open space much of which is classified as “Native Are
What we do as the MCA
The Environmental Mosquito Management Program for the community consists of larval mosquito monitoring and treatment, and adult surveillance within the defined program area specifically throughout the developed storm-water systems. What this equates to is that when we find larval mosquitoes in the wetland sites within the community, they are treated using primarily bacterial larvicides. The goal is to eliminate the mosquito population before they become adults. Again, this is for areas within the community which includes the storm water systems throughout East/West Greenway, Westerly Creek, 26th Ave and Northfield ponds. Areas along Sand Creek that may breed mosquitoes are not being inspected and/or treated under this program. These mosquitoes can fly in and then infest the areas along the greenbelt, backyards, and parks in years with heavy rainfall.
What we do not do.
No adult mosquito control is currently conducted anywhere in the community by any entity.
The MCA does not spray for mosquitos on Denver Parks and Rec lands.
The MCA does not control undeveloped parcels of land
The MCA does not control areas in or around Sand Creek
The MCA does not control any private property or sub association parcels
Bluff Lake
Bluff Lake Nature Center has it's own ongoing program to control its mosquito population without upsetting the natural balance in the ecosystem. The Bluff Lake Site Manager checks for mosquito larva twice each week, applying a larvicide that is specific to mosquito larva. The larvicide, Bti, is a naturally occurring soil bacteria and decomposes quickly. Bluff Lake has increasing populations of swallows and bats, and has installed bat boxes on the bluff, providing additional habitat. Bluff Lake has not sprayed adulticide in the past due to the potential harm to the ecosystem. Spraying will often kill non-target insects such as bees and dragonflies. Mosquitoes can breed in any number of residential settings as well, including retention ponds, bird baths, grass clippings, and clogged rain gutters. Bluff Lake invites community residents to visit the Nature Center to walk with the Site Manager and see the process for checking for mosquito larva.
Denver Parks & Rec
Denver Parks and Rec is responsible for mosquito management within the regional park system including Central Park and the park areas within the East West Greenway. Concerns within Denver City parks should be directed to Denver through the 311 system.
Mosquito Control and West Nile Virus
Denver Department of Environmental Health maintains a mosquito larvae surveillance program intended to minimize the adult mosquito population and thus the occurrence of West Nile virus. The city does not spray or contract for the spraying of adult mosquitoes, however; mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and removing water from containers, tires, birdbaths, gutters, and buckets around your home eliminates areas where mosquitoes breed and can help reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard.
You can prevent West Nile Virus by avoiding mosquito bites.
Use insect repellent containing DEET (less than 35% DEET for adults and less than 15% DEET for children). DEET is the most common active ingredient in insect repellents.
Wear long-sleeve shirts and pants when mosquitoes are present.
Be extra careful outside during peak mosquito hours from dusk to dawn. Wear long sleeves, insect repellent, and avoid going outside during these hours if possible
If West Nile is identified within the City and County of Denver, impacted communities are notified by the Denver Department of Environmental Health and the Colorado State Department of Public Health and advised of further actions.
What else can residents do?
As spring and summer come, the MCA will be actively mapping the problem areas (based on emails and calls) to determine additional areas that we potentially could have a greater impact on. Residents that are experiencing abnormally high mosquito issues can contact the MCA so we can map the area and determine a source that can be identified for additional treatment, given that it is part of the community and we can effectively treat that area. Residential and sub association properties can conduct mosquito mitigation measures within their own boundaries as consistent with Denver City Code.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
* Sites inspected and acres treated are those which mosquito lava is detected and are in addition to those that are currently being inspected and treated by DEH personnel.
Adult Mosquito Spraying Product Info**
**This is being provided to the community for information purposes only. The City of Denver DOES NOT allow the spraying of adult mosquitoes on any public street, park or open space unless a "pubic health alert" is identified by the Denver Department of Environmental Health (DEH).
Anything not identified above is subject to the same rules and regulations enforced throughout the City and County of Denver Code Enforcement