Design Review Committee

General Restrictions

To make the community reflect the character of Denver, there are few restrictions or rules. The primary requirement of the Community Declaration is that the owner maintains their property in a clean, sightly, wholesome condition and landscaping must be installed within one year of occupancy. City and County of Denver ordinances must always be followed. For the most part, the Association will rely on the “best judgment” of owners to conduct themselves in a manner that will be sensitive to neighbors. (Please refer to Article 9 of the Community Declaration for more detailed information.)

Design Criteria

Design Review Committee: Chair - OPEN,  Vice Chair - OPEN
Members: , Andrew Bartlett, Rebekah Henderson, Susanna Kantor, Elisabeth Cohen
Ex-Officio Members: Keven Burnett MCA Executive Director
Architectural Consultant: Eric Woods
Staff Support:  Jenifer Graham

NOTE: The committee shall reply in writing within 45 days of receipt (to the property owner)

Forms and proposed renderings can either be mailed, dropped off or complete form here

Design Review         

Design Review Committee (DRC) is limited to residential units and is only for material changes to the exterior of a home.

Approval by DRC IS REQUIRED for improvements involving:

  • Improvements involving an addition or deletion of square footage to a home

  • Addition of an exterior deck or balcony at the primary entry or above the first floor of the home

  • Substantial change to the architectural style and character of the home

  • Adding an accessory or additional structure on the lot (garage)

  • Substantial change to the roof plane or lines of the home

  • Moving a fence line from its original location *

  • Any modification or improvement located within the alley easement**

* The original fence location is that one which was installed when the home was originally built. If no fence was originally installed then all subsequent fence modifications are subject to this requirement. 

**The "alley easement" is the area located adjacent to the alley before the property fence line. The 3 feet on either side of the alley surface is alley right of way and any installation or modification in this area is subject to this requirement.                             

Approval by DRC IS NOT REQUIRED for improvements involving:

  • Changes in exterior color

  • Fencing or walls

  • Landscaping additions or changes

  • Sheds or storage structures

  • Changes to the front door

  • Addition of a deck or patio at ground level and is not at the primary entry to the home

  • Roof Mounted Solar Panels

  • Changes to Roofing material or color

  • Changes to windows or replacement of windows