Community Alleys
This policy statement is designed to outline the specific role that the MCA shall play in the repair of concrete alleys located within the Central Park community. The MCA is the entity responsible for the major repair or replacement of all Park Creek Metropolitan District alleys. All alleys are under “Construction Warranty” for the first two years after substantial completion. Upon acceptance of each alley it shall then be placed into the annual alley inspection process. It is important to note that most if not all concrete alley surfaces will crack and show signs of wear during its usable lifespan (20+ Years).
Frequency of Inspection
Inspection of all alleys under the maintenance of the MCA shall be conducted every 12 months. The inspection process will occur each spring to allow for all of the freeze-thaw to be completed from the previous winter. From this inspection, a comprehensive list of all necessary repairs will be generated. The list will include location of failure, type of failure, and size of failure. From this list, the MCA will begin work to repair the alley based on priority level detailed below.
Priority of Repairs
Priority Level 1 – Replacing heaved concrete panels that create a safety hazard.
Priority Level 2 – Replacing concrete panels that have crumbled the full depth of the concrete.
Priority Level 3 – Replacing sunken concrete panels where excessive standing water accumulates (approximately 2”- 3” depth over 10’ – 15’ of surface area)
General Maintenance
Routine maintenance of alley surfaces is still the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. Routine maintenance is defined as sweeping dirt, sand or standing water as well as normal snow removal.
MCA Parking Policy – Alleys
It shall be prohibited for any person to park a vehicle within an alley except during the necessary and expeditious loading and unloading of merchandise or freight, and no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley in such position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property or interfere with the free movement of traffic through an alley.