Community Maintenance
The MCA performs many maintenance duties throughout the community. Other entities also have maintenance obligations including the City and County of Denver and City of Aurora. Please see the following maps, which outline the MCA's specific areas of responsibilities.
Good Neighbors, Great City
Denver City Code ensure the safety, prosperity and welfare of Denver residents and promotes more livable neighborhoods. Through public outreach and code enforcement, the City's neighborhood inspectors help keep communities clean and vibrant. Report property concerns by dialing 3-1-1 or visiting Denvergov.org/311.
Property Owners and Sub-Association Responsibilities
Individual property owners and HOA's are all subject to the Master Community Association CCR's which prescribe individual maintenance obligations of private property.
Section 7.5 of the CCR's states: Units to be Maintained. Owners of a Unit are responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the properties located within their Unit boundaries except as such maintenance, repair and replacement are expressly the obligation of the applicable Sub-association for that unit. Each Unit , shall, at all times, be kept in a clean, sightly and wholesome condition.
Section 7.6 of the CCR's states: Landscaping Requirements of Owners/Restrictions and Maintenance Covenants. All portions of a Unit not improved with a residence, building, driveway, walkways, patios or decks (referred to as the unimproved area or landscaped areas of a Unit) shall be landscaped by the Owner thereof or a builder other than the Declarant. Any portions of the Unit that are not landscaped by the Builder, must be fully landscaped by the Unit Owner, no later than one (1) year after the first occupancy of any portion of the Unit. The landscaping of each Unit, having once been installed, shall be maintained by the Owner, or the applicable owner association (in the case of multifamily parcels), in a neat, attractive, sightly and well-kept condition, which shall include lawns mowed, hedges, shrubs, and trees pruned and trimmed, adequate watering, replacement of dead, diseased or unsightly materials, and removal of weeds and debris.
Failure to maintain landscaping to the "Community Standard" can result in violation fines and penalties assessed to the property. Non responsiveness to fines and penalties can result in future legal action by the Association.
Master Community Association Responsibilities
Community Alleys
The MCA manages all residential alleys throughout the neighborhood - Personal Property (including vehicles) may not be left or parked in alleyways for extended time. Anything left in any alley is subject to removal by the MCA at the owners expense.
Parks & ROW Landscaping
MCA Maintains all Landscaping Located within The Community Parks and Right of Way (Maintenance Maps).
Town Centers & Community Plazas
MCA maintains the Amphitheaters, Plazas, Water Features, and Fire Pits located within the community Town Centers.
Domestic Water Service
MCA manages special domestic water systems located adjacent to the Mews in Filing 32 and the Green Links in Filing 36
Filing 32 & 36 Water Service
Storm Water System
MCA manages the storm water structures that exist within the community including; East West Greenway, Westerly Creek, Filings 18, Northfield and USPS ponds. MCA provides Mosquito Control programs throughout these facilities. See mosquito section below for further information and reports.
MCA Use of Landscaping Fertilizer and Herbicides
We look specifically to the Colorado Department of Agriculture as well as the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for general guidance on all herbicide and pesticide usage. Currently we are well within their parameters for safe use in our parks. We are also aware of the extensive advertising on TV in regards to class action suits related to the use of round up, so we also look for independent studies (not funded by industry) to help shape our practices here in Central Park.
Our position on the use of pesticides, herbicides and other landscaping treatments are that they should be used as our last line of defense and be used as little as possible in order to sustain a healthy outdoor environment. It is our policy to spot spray (never broadcasting) chemicals in our parks and to dilute all applications down to levels that are deemed safe by both state and local oversight agencies.
In addition any time we are treating our trees, we do so by root injection and never by spraying. The signs that we are mandated to display are prescribed by state and local statutes and are designed to cover warnings for many different types of applications that may occur throughout Colorado (including many that are not used in Central Park by the MCA).
Less Professional Turf Fertilizer
Use: Overall Turf Health
Label: Label-Fertilizer
Application Method: Machine broadcast spread as a granular in turf areas (Signage Not Required)
Lesco 3-Way Herbicide
Use: Weeds Control (Turf Areas)
Label: Label-Lessco 3way
MSDS: MSDS-Lesco 3way
Application Method: Machine spray infected turf areas only (Signage Required)
Agri Star Surmise Herbicide
Use: Weed Control (Non-Turf Areas)
Application Method: Hand spray from backpack non-turf areas only (Signage Required
Trash & Recycling
The City and County of Denver and City of Aurora manage trash & recycling services in the community.
Manual Collection Service Overview and Guidelines
Set the black trash cart out by 7 AM on your collection day.
Place the trash cart at least 2 feet from obstructions such as garage overhangs, cars, fences, poles, overflow trash, large items or other collection containers that may prevent the automated truck from emptying it.
CURB SET OUT: Set your black trash cart in the street with the wheels against the curb and front facing the street. The automated trucks cannot service containers set out backward.
ALLEY SET OUT: Set your black trash cart at edge of the alley with the front facing the alley. The automated trucks cannot service containers set out backward.
Prevent litter by bagging all trash and keeping the trash cart lid closed whenever possible.
Do not put construction debris, sod, dirt or branches in the trash cart.
Store the black trash cart on your property in between collection days.
If your trash day and street sweeping day occasionally coincide, visit Trash Collection and Street Sweeping for instructions.
Extra Trash Service
During your scheduled Extra Trash service collection week, your extra trash must be set out by 7 AM on your normal trash collection day.
Extra Trash is any material left outside of your City-issued black trash cart. Only trash inside the black trash cart is collected weekly.
Extra trash should not be stored at the curb on non-collection days. Store your trash on your property until your scheduled collection day.
A maximum of 10 bags and 5 large items will be collected from each home per extra trash collection (every 4 weeks).
Use your black trash cart to full capacity. Heavy items should be placed in the bottom and the lid may be open to a 45-degree angle. The lid must not exceed 45 degrees and trash must not be placed on top of the cart lid.
Storing Your Collection Carts
We recommend all trash, recycling and compost carts must be stored on your property out of the public view. This prevents damage and vandalism. Trash, recycling and compost carts must be kept off of the alley surface as not to encumber the right of way. All carts must remain 3 feet form the alley surface at all times except for the night before collection and the day of collection. Below are additional recommendations for the storage of carts.