The account was likely denied because you just moved in to the residence. Our records on home purchases are about 6-8 weeks behind, if you are a renter, we do not have verification. If you just purchased a home in the neighborhood, please email signup@mca80238.com or bring your warranty deed or settlement statement to either of our front desk locations (check website for current hours). If you are a renter email a copy of your lease AND a utility bill to signup@mca80238.com or bring to the MCA office.
On the log in page, enter log in name. Then check the ‘forgot your password’ box and click continue. You will advance to the custom security question you created when establishing your account. If, after reviewing your custom security question, you do not recall your password or if your password is not valid contact the MCA office during normal business hours and a member of our staff will assist you. Do not create a new account, it will be denied as a duplicate.
Community residents may reserve park/picnic areas online via their Active Net account. Non-residents or residents who have difficulty reserving via their online account may reserve a facility online.
The MCA maintains over 40 miles of alley way in neighborhood. Each spring, after the freeze/thaw action is complete alleys are evaluated on priority levels 1,2, or 3 and a repair plan is made. During major snow events a drive lane is plowed. Homeowners are responsible for additional snow/ice removal as needed. To report an ally obstruction or repairs needed please email alleys@mca80238.com.
A list of home improvements that do and do not need design review are available here, along with the design review application. Please allow 6-8 weeks for the design review process. Also, remember that you are also subject to any City of Denver regulations and permit requirements and may also need approval from your sub-HOA.
Your HOA dues account (MSI) and your Active Net accounts process different information and are not linked. While we can use your MSI information to verify residency (6-8 weeks after closing) we need additional information regarding your family members and contact information in order to fully serve you in a recreation/community event capacity.