Park Rules
The MCA manages Three 3 Pony League level ball fields and 1 additional practice space within the neighborhood. The MCA partners with community based* competitive teams to foster community youth baseball & Softball.
Field Requests
Teams interested in securing practice space for Spring, Summer or Fall must fill out the Baseball Field Request Form and return it to the MCA baseball manager (kburnett@mca80238.com).
Applications for 2025 will be reviewed starting February 1 with final field allocations on February 15th.
Teams wishing to use one-off open blocks must have a team form on file. Teams not submitting a roster will be charged at the public rate.
Teams with outstanding balances from Spring will not be eligible for scheduling until prior field fees are paid in full.
TEAM INSURANCE. All teams are required to have insurance that covers any damage that may be caused by team play when using an MCA field.
Spring Season: March / April / May /June View Schedule (PDF)
Fall Season July / August / September / October - View Schedule (PDF)
Monday - Friday
Max 1.5-hour blocks
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Saturday / Sunday
Max 2.5-hour blocks
9:00 AM - 11:30 PM
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
2025 Field Permit Rates
Public Rate
Per 1.5 hour Block: $40.00
Season Fees per Field per Week
0 CP Players: $400
1-3 CP Players: $300
4-6 CP Players: $200
7-8 CP Players: $150
9+ CP Players: $100
Batting Cage Only
Scheduled time: $100
First Come First Serve (when no team is scheduled): $75
*Community based teams are defined as those with a majority of the players being Central Park residents. Field space and pricing are allocated to teams based on the percentage of residents that are players on the team. Teams with 9 or more CP players are considered a 100% community team will get priority in field allocation and best pricing. Other Public Parks/Schools with open baseball fields for use: Fred Thomas Park, Westerly Creek School, Isabella Bird School, Bill Roberts School.