Resident Membership - Active Pass

The Active Pass provides residents with access to all 7 community public pools without paying the daily entry fee. Residents planning on visiting the pool 4 or more times during the pool season should consider this option. 

Community residents are eligible for a Resident Membership, the Active Pass. Residents must be current with association dues to purchase an Active Pass. In addition to using your Active Pass in lieu of daily admission, a membership offers members only events, early entry at all pools with the exception of Jet Stream & Runway 35, advanced holiday reservation, and members only sunset swims in June and July. 

All outside guests and community residents that do not have an Active Pass shall pay the daily entrance fee to access the outdoor pools.

Resident membership is not transferable and non refundable.

New Owners/Renters 

  1. Create an online account, Click here to begin building the online account. Account approvals/denials can take up to 48 business hours.

  2. What do I need to bring for proof of residency?

    • Owners must provide closing documents & photo ID if applying within 6 weeks of closing.

    • Renters must provide a minimum six month signed lease AND utility, phone or credit card statement with your name and current Central Park Address

    • Dependents (2-20 years old) must provide a copy of a valid birth certificate or guardianship paperwork

    • Documentation can be submitted here or during office hours.

  3. Once your online account is  approved and all members of your household have been added, you may purchase your Active Passes through your online ActiveNet account under the "Membership" tab.

  4. Each person in the household (including dependents 24 months and older) will be able to update photos at the pool!                  

  5. The annual fee for each Active Pass is $40, senior (65+)  discounted rates and additional adult passes are available. The MCA accepts Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

  6. Once your Active Pass is purchased, the pass barcode appears on your receipt, keep this for your records. Members are encouraged to download the MCA ActiveNet app, My MCA, for access to your electronic Active Pass. Physical membership cards can be printed in-person at the
    MCA Front Desk -8371 E. Northfield Blvd. 

Have you moved within the Community?

Please provide residency documentation (Lease - a minimum of six month signed & Utility bill OR Warranty Deed/Settlement Statement) here to update your address in the system. You do not need to create a new Active Net account.

How to add additional dependents (under 21) to your account

Each person over the age of 2 years will need a card to access the pool facilities or pay the daily admission.  To add dependents to your online account, please present guardianship paperwork or birth certificates here to update your account. The annual Active Pass fee is $40 per dependent. A photo for our records will be taken at the pool.  

Additional Adult Membership Requests 

Adults residing at current community address and that may be the third (or more) adult may be eligible to receive an Additional Adult Active Pass if they meet the residency requirements and must reside in Central Park.  Requests for this status will be considered for situations such as: 

  •  Dependent College students living at home for the summer (21 and older) 

  •  Roommates 

  •  Foreign exchange students 

  •  Contracted au pairs 

  •  Older adults living full-time with home owner 

  •  Grandchildren living full-time with grandparents

Additional Adult Active Passes are only valid for one summer season, the fee is $80.  Additional Adult Active Pass holders must re-apply for residency status each year. 

To apply for an additional Adult Resident Membership: 

  • Provide valid au pair contract, current credit card statement, bank statement or cell phone statement with both the applicants name and current community address. 

  • Turn in all required paperwork to the MCA office  or click here. Once approved, the additional adult membership will be available for purchase in your online account.

Unlimited Guest Passes are available for purchase at the MCA Front Desk,
8371 E. Northfield Blvd. M-F 10a-4p.  Unlimited Guest Passes are only available for purchase in person. Extended office hours coming in May/June  

Guest Punch Passes are available for purchase here