MCA Community Delegates
District 1
North Eastbridge & Bluff Lake
Don Cloutier (1)
District 2
East 29th Avenue
Heather Vasquez (2)
District 3
Westerly Creek
Justin Ross (2)
District 4
South End
Tom Reynolds (2)
District 5
Andrew Bartlett (1)
District 6
CP North & CP West
Rebekah Henderson (1)
District 7
Open 2025
District 8
Conservatory Green
Sarah Stabio (2)
District 9
Willow Park East & Wicker Park
Susanna Kantor (1)
¹ Design Review Committee
² Compliance Committee
Contacting Your Delegate: You may contact your Community Delegate with any community concern via email. Simply click on the appropriate name above to get to the correct address. Delegate District Map
Delegate Forum Schedule: Community Delegates meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Noon, Email us at delegates@mca80238.com with questions. Please note Feb/May/Aug/Nov meetings are combined with Quarterly Executive Board Meetings.
Annual Members Meeting: The Annual Members meeting is typically scheduled on the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of December at 6:30 PM in the CUBE (8371 E. Northfield Blvd). This meeting also serves as the annual election of all community delegates for the following year. Annual members meeting and board meeting information is posted to the MCA board meeting page: (https://www.mca80238.com/mca-info/board-meetings)
Nominating a Delegate: All nomination received by November 10th will be included on the official ballot as part of the Annual Members Meeting Mailing. Any district with one or more nominations at the printing of the annual meeting notice will be listed as "Contested" and all the voting for that seat will occur up through the annual members meeting in December. If a quorum of the district is not present by ballot, proxy or attendance at the annual members meeting then voting will continue till the following delegate meeting scheduled in 3rd Wednesday of January. Any member can nominate themselves for an uncontested OPEN SEAT at the Annual Members Meeting. Delegate Nomination Form
District Delegates
A "Delegate" is defined in the Community Declaration as the natural person selected by Members within a Delegate District to represent such Delegate District and to cast votes on behalf of Members within such Delegate District.
Each Delegate shall have one vote for each vote, which could be cast by Members voting to elect a Delegate for such Delegate District. Each Delegate may cast the votes, which he or she represents in such manner as the Delegate, in his or her sole discretion, deems appropriate, acting on behalf of all the Members in the Delegate District.
A Delegate must be a resident of a dwelling unit within the Delegate District, an occupant of a Commercial Unit, within the Delegate District, or an Owner, or, if any Owner is not a natural person, must be an authorized agent of the Owner. A Delegate may be reelected, and there shall be no limit on the number of terms a Delegate may serve.
Each Delegate elected at an annual meeting of Members in a Delegate District shall serve in the following year proceeding the annual meeting or until a successor is elected whichever is later, unless such Delegate resigns, is removed, or becomes disqualified to be a Delegate.
The purpose of the Delegates is to consider proposed community operational budgets. The "CCIOA budget" process allows for a veto, by certain delegates, of a proposed budget adopted by the Executive Board, as provided for in the Community Declaration. In the event any proposed budget is rejected, the budget last ratified is continued until such time as a subsequent budget proposed by the Executive Board is ratified.
The Delegates also acts as the primary advisory committee to the Executive Board and may give the Board advice (which shall not be binding on the Board), on the following matters: Special events and community programs; Adoption of a new name for the Community; Community Wide Services Assessments and the services funded through the Community Wide Services Assessment; Other operations or aspects of the Community as requested by the Board, and other operations or aspects of the Community as requested by a majority of Delegates and approved by the Board.