The Master Community Association (MCA) is aware of widespread ongoing theft from mailboxes across the community. We have learned from the Denver Police Department that in early December mail carriers were robbed of their mailbox master keys at gun point and in the weeks since mail theft has grown to unprecedented levels. Based on the information we have; the MCA believes that the same bad actors that stole the mailbox master keys are using those same keys to frequently and indiscriminately gain access to the mailboxes located throughout the neighborhood.


In Central Park mail is delivered to cluster box units (CBU) located on the corners of most blocks. These CBUs are accessed using a standard master key. The same key opens every mailbox in this zip code, and it is that key which was stolen in early December. These thieves are brazen and most mailbox break ins are occurring during broad daylight minutes after mail is delivered to the CBU. DPD believes that the thieves are following mail carriers and then committing these crimes.


We have been in contact with the United States Postal Service (USPS) and United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), the USPS’s law enforcement branch. We understand that the USPS has begun the process of replacing the master keys locks in the 80238-zip code. There are more than 1,200 CBUs in Central Park and the USPS expects it will take around 12 weeks to complete the project. USPS is prioritizing the replacement of locks in areas where there have been reports of mail theft made to USPIS.


To aid in the identification of suspects and replacement of compromised locks please be sure to report the incident to USPIS by visiting or by calling 1-877-876-2455. It is vital that all mail theft is reported to USPIS so federal investigators can pursue criminal enforcement against perpetrators.


The MCA repairs and/or replaces broken or damaged CBUs in Central Park but cannot replace the master locks only the USPS can do that. If a CBU is damaged or individual unit locks become compromised or non-functional you can contact the MCA by calling 303-388-0724 or by completing this form.

Thieves want your mail, that is why it is vital that you do not leave mail in your mailbox overnight. You may consider signing up for informed delivery a free service that tells you when your mail has been delivered, more information at Crime prevention is a team effort, together with the Central Park United Neighbors, the MCA hosts a monthly meeting with the Denver Police Department to discuss law enforcement issues effecting Central Park, consider attending a meeting to learn more or visit

If you have additional questions, please call our office at 303-388-0724 or visit


February Executive Board Meeting


Valentine’s Food Drive